posted by 귀염둥이채원 2021. 4. 15. 13:35


# trap example



# bash trap command

trap bashtrap INT


# bash clear screen command



# bash trap function is executed when CTRL-C is pressed:

# bash prints message => Executing bash trap subrutine !

bashtrap() {

echo "CTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !"



# for loop from 1/10 to 10/10

for a in $(seq 1 10); do

echo "$a/10 to Exit."

sleep 1


echo "Exit Bash Trap Example!!!"


# output1

$ bash

1/10 to Exit.

2/10 to Exit.

3/10 to Exit.

4/10 to Exit.

5/10 to Exit.

6/10 to Exit.

7/10 to Exit.

8/10 to Exit.

9/10 to Exit.

10/10 to Exit.

Exit Bash Trap Example!!!


# output2

$ bash

1/10 to Exit.

2/10 to Exit.

^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !

3/10 to Exit.

^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !

4/10 to Exit.

^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !

5/10 to Exit.

^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !

6/10 to Exit.

7/10 to Exit.

8/10 to Exit.

9/10 to Exit.

^CCTRL+C Detected !...executing bash trap !

10/10 to Exit.

Exit Bash Trap Example!!!


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